"So what is this game about?" is the natural first question you might ask when someone brings out a new board game for you to try. That question can have one of two answers, depending on the angle you look at the game from: theme or mechanics.
"Okay, but what is the game about?"

Either of the above is a reasonable description of Reiner Knizia's "Ra". Since this is the Journal of Boardgame Design, I'm interested almost 100% in the latter. Either description could reasonably be called the game's "theme", but in practice "theme" has come to mean the historical context in which the game supposedly takes place. The designer drapes a bunch of mechanisms around the theme, and he has a game. Maybe the mechanisms are closely tied to the theme and often, in Eurogames, they aren't.
A game, at its best, is more than a bunch of mechanisms. It is a coherent system of mechanisms with a theme of its own. Let's call this theme that summarizes the system of mechanisms the game concept. There is nothing to prevent a game built from a bunch of connected mechanisms from being lots of fun, but I think that having a strong game concept takes the game up a level. It helps to focus the players' goals. It adds meaning to the game apart from the theme. It defines the game.

-Notre Dame
I enjoy explaining game rules, and I always introduce the game by first describing the game concept. Every rule has a role in supporting the game concept. If players can wrap the whole idea of the game around their heads, then all the individual rules ought make sense. Players can sit down and get to work at trying to win. If they can't get the game concept, then most likely you'll see the "deer in the headlights" look. "Okay, you explained the game to me but... what am I supposed to do?"

Deep breath.
So the game Amyitis is about... I'm not sure.
Cyril Demaegd has a defense of the structure of Amyitis which is worth reading. He described it as having a "star structure" rather than a "line structure". I think I understand his point. Some games, ones with a linear structure, have their elements lined up like dominoes. The first one effects the next one, and so on down, until the last mechanism which affects the victory conditions. "Power Grid" by Friedmann Friese is an example of this. You buy power plants, which give you capacity to use fuel. You buy fuel that fills your plants, and together they can power your cities. You extend your network of cities, which when powered give you victory points, as well as income that feeds the entire cycle for the next game turn.
What I think is meant by a "star structure" might correspond to what Americans call a "wagon wheel" or "hub and spoke" structure. There is a core mechanism and several secondary mechanisms. The secondary mechanisms may be independent, but they all affect the core mechanism.
The problem is that there is no core mechanism in Amyitis. The garden, which does take up the most physical space on the game board, really turns out to be just another way of scoring points that is not obviously more important than any other. Here's my picture of the Amyitis structure, which looks more like the floor plan from a spy movie than a wagon wheel.
From all this, it may come as a surprise when I say that I think Amyitis is a hell of a lot of fun. There are some very clever mechanisms in the game, and notwithstanding the nightmare diagram above, the interrelationships play well. However, playing Amyitis is a little like playing with sand. It can be lots of fun, but there is nothing to hold on to. A strong game concept doesn't make a game good. It makes a good game more substantial and more satisfying, and it serves a similar role that a good theme does.
Sometimes having one strong central mechanism that ties the others together can provide a game concept. The hub and spoke diagram above shows a game with many mechanisms which all affect a central one, which in turn provides the victory conditions.

"Players take actions on the road which gives them commodities, and then they use those commodities to create more buildings on the road (as well as the castle) to earn victory points." That's the whole game summed up in 32 words. Unless you're writing copy for the game box, being able to sum up a game in 32 words or less is no particular virtue. However, it shows that the game is well focused, with a strong game concept that ultimately ties together many mechanisms into a cohesive game. Players sit down to a game of Caylus with a strong sense of what they are doing, purely in terms of the game's mechanics.

In a public appearance, Reiner Knizia once said that scoring and victory conditions are good things to manipulate to get the players to do what you want. In the case of Stephensons Rocket, he took his own advice too well. He made the game work by tinkering with the scoring mechanisms at the cost of maintaining a strong game concept. The final product is a good game, but at times it seems to be a runaway train that is in constant danger of running off its rails.
Conversely, even a complex game can be held together with a combination of strong game concept and theme. Karl Heinz Schmiel's "Die Macher" holds together remarkably well despite being one of the most baroque of all German games. It takes about 45 minutes to teach the rules for Die Macher, and each turn has 13 phases. I don't think too many players would tolerate that sort of complexity if its mechanisms didn't tie so well to its election theme. When a theme is strong, the theme merges with the game

Die Macher benefits from both a strong theme and a reasonably central mechanism to maintain some conceptual unity. As games move along the spectrum from "Eurogame" to to "Simulation", the mechanics tend to blossom around the need to recreate reality rather than to maintain any conceptual unity. When a game is primarily a simulation, then the theme becomes the game concept.

Games most often build their game concept around a central dominating mechanism which all others relate to. Are the other mechanisms truly secondary, or do they take on a life of their own? If those secondary mechanisms become significantly complex, the game can lose its focus. Compare Caylus with Age of Empires III by Glenn Drover. Both use a similar action selection mechanism, but Caylus is a more straightforward, focused game, while Age of Empires III adds a lot of extra stuff behind each possible selection and is a more baroque design.
In Caylus, actions taken on the road generally give a player resources or allow him to spend resources on a building. The entire game is about acquiring and spending resources effectively. There are other choices in the beginning of the road - and these create a little metagame around the use of the road: they control items such as turn order, the cost of an action, and which actions on the road will actually occur this turn.

"Puerto Rico" by Andreas Seyfarth may be the great enigma when it comes to the notion of game concept. There are many facets to the mechanics. Each one is essential and none seems to dominate. Is the game about the role selection? The selection of roles is a central and original concept, but I think it dominates the game much less than does the road and the selection of actions in Caylus. The specifics of the actions - which building to buy, where to put your colonists, your choice of plantations, trading and shipping - are all critical, balanced, and tightly woven. What is the game about? Well, it's an engine building game, of course, but it's about the whole package. To the new player, Puerto Rico is sort of a fascinating mess. To the experienced player, the game is its own concept.
Puerto Rico is relatively complex for a Eurogame, and it cannot be summarized by a simple game concept. Still, its structure is not especially convoluted as the diagram below shows. While all of its mechanics may be harder to describe than for Amyitis, the entire system is conceptually more compact. Compare the diagram for Puerto Rico, below, with the one above for Amyitis.
This seems to be the nature of most "engine" based games. Games such as Puerto Rico, Power Grid, Goa, and Settlers of Catan cannot readily be understood in terms of their component mechanisms nor summarized by a central mechanism that drives all others. The cogs of each mechanism are too tightly meshed. The game concept is the total effect. The challenge is to create a structure that is complex enough to satisfy the designer's ambitions, but simple enough to be comprehensible. Anyone who has taught Puerto Rico to a newbie knows that even the simple structure pictured above starts to push the limits of comprehensibility for most people.
I think that this is the sort of structure that Cyril Damaegd had in mind when he spoke of a "line structure". Neither Power Grid nor Puerto Rico have structures which are simple lines, but both have a chain of causes and effects which takes place over several steps to yield victory points. Understanding the game requires understanding the chain.
When people ask "what is this game about?" they are most frequently asking about the theme. Unless the theme is well integrated with the mechanics - not a hallmark of many Eurogames - then knowing the theme doesn't really answer the question. For many of the best games - including ones with strong themes - a game is about its game concept. The game concept may be a strong central mechanism that the others all relate to, like the road in Caylus. It may be a dominant mechanism which virtually defines the entire game, like varied set collection rules of Ra. It may be the historical theme, as in a simulation game. It may be a tightly interwoven set of causal relationships as in Puerto Rico. Whatever it is, it brings the entire system together so that the player knows just what... the game is about. Without a game concept, what's inside the box can still be fun, but it may just be six mechanics in search of a game.
Excellent post. I am the board game explainer in my group, and I find it helps me to break down the flow of the game like you did for Puerto Rico or Amytis. Makes for much smoother game explanations. Also when people are quiet and don't ask too many questions. Ha!
I've always had trouble explaining my global approach of game design, especially when asked the classical "theme first or mechanism first?" question. After reading this, I feel that here is the answer I was always trying to make and never managed to formalize - neither when designing a game nor when explaining it afterwards.
A very relevant analysis. It seems you formalize what I would like to answer everytim I am asked the "theme first or mechanism first" question, and never managed tell clearly - or even to think clearly.
Very enjoyable article. I find that Puerto Rico looks far more complicated than it actually is. When you get to the table and see all of the various bits that are needed to make the game work, it looks overwhelming. But the gameplay is relatively easy to pick up, in my opinion...as you point out, it is nearly linear (two ways to earn victory points...shipping goods and buying buildings).
Settlers of Catan would probably make an interesting diagram...there are many ways to win and you MUST use more than one of them to get to ten victory points.
Great post Jonathan, I found it very valuable. I like the idea of breaking down a games concept and actual structure. Thanks for showing me how.
Excellent as usual, Jonathan, thanks. Reading it, I realized that when I think of a theme for a new design, I'm thinking more of the concept (as you label it) than the traditional "theme," which is probably why it's generally easy to apply mechanics... I'm sort of halfway there.
I enjoyed reading this. Thanks!
Excellent article!
By the way, believe it or not, but Amytitis developped this "strange" structure, because i developped it from it's theme - which maybe the proof that human projects are a bit complicated ;)
For me gardens are the "core" of my "star structure" because during the development stage, i tried to make sure that, either way you win points, you cannot win the game without irrigating or building plants (or both).
So of course your diagram is right, but i think there's also a weighting which doesn't appear in it (of course i don't blame you since it's impossible to include this in a diagram) and i think this weighting tends to "recenter" the garden.
While I'm one of those that DOES take a large interest in the historical setting of the game (no matter how thinly pasted on the theme), I still found this essay very interesting. Especially in the context of explaining the game to someone, what you describe here is useful for someone who asks, "What are you supposed to do in this game?"
Also interesting is the notion that games that don't have a clean, orderly concept in your diagrams are the games I often struggle to enjoy. Like you, I don't think a game needs to be strictly linear in its strategy to be elegant or intuitive--it just needs some internal coherency. Sometimes we talk about games as being a "frankenstein" design, a mishmash of different mechanisms (often seen in other games) that lack an elegant and thematic integration. I believe that's another way of describing an issue with game concept.
Great post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
An excellent essay on various game mechanics & how they interact. A great game concept may get derailed by poorly written rules or unclear executions of the game's mechanics. An example is "Container", my gaming group tried it the 1st time & we played according to standard "grab the victory points ASAP" concept of other games & we broke its economic model in short order! The winner was the one who was the least in debt & the island looked like a desert. However... after much grumbling, we tried it a 2nd time and used its rules as the designer intended & had a much more satisfying experience. What we needed was a clear diagram of the interrelationships of the various mechanics - a picture is truly worth a 1000 words. Your example on Power Grid was spot-on. Let's hear it for the continuing gaming renaissance.
Cheers, Nigel
Excellent article. Thank you
I would like to see a library of these mappings. Even discuss here a standard nomenclature for the mappings so perhaps deisgners can add to the library over time.
I find myself referring this post often throughout the years. It's wonderful!
I also find myself wondering if having a core central mechanic is "better" (more accessible, more depth) then a non-central mechanic. It's probably easier to explain, but I have feeling it's harder to get as much game depth and longevity.
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